Meta Krese as a journalist and photographer works for Slovenian newspapers and magazines, occasionally for foreign ones as well; she is the author of two monographs on photography, has provided photographs for several books, some of which she wrote. She was the editor of Fotografija, a Slovenian photography magazine for a decade. Her numerous articles, mostly concerning social themes, come from Slovenia and more remote places, but also from the less distant but nonetheless interesting Balkan countries. She has prepared some solo exhibitions and collaborated in several collective exhibitions.
She has worked with humanitarian organisations such us Red Cross Slovenia, International Trust Fund for Demining and Mine Victim Assistance and ISOP – Innovative Sozialprojekte with poet and writer Maruša Krese.
Selected awards and recognitions
- Pulitzer Centre for Crisis Reporting, grant, 2019-2020
- Lange-Taylor Prize, shortlisted, Duke University, 2019
- Lange-Taylor Prize, shortlisted, Duke University, 2018
- Pulitzer Centre for Crisis Reporting, grant, 2015-2016.
- Winner of the European “Writing for CEE 2011” journalism prize
- Prize for outstanding journalism from the Slovene Association of Journalists, 2006
When Life Ends at 45
City of Women, Slovenski etnografski muzej – SEM, 2003
Fotografie di lotta e lavoro
Galerija narodnega doma, Trieste, Italia 2006
Photo: Branko Čeak
Ernesto Cardenal by photos of De repente anocheciơ (Maruša Krese poems, Meta Krese photos)
Antigua Casa de los Leones, Granada, Nikaragua, 2009
The world as it is : photography
– the conscience of Slovene society
Ribnica, Miklova hiša, Slovenija, 2011
Photo: Dragan Arrigler
The winner of the European “Writing for CEE 2011” journalism prize
Photo: Matej Leskovšek
Diwan (Maruša Krese poems, Meta Krese photos), Feldbach, Avstrija, 2008
Photo: Boštjan Botas Kenda
Dom nekje med Turčijo in Avstrijo, Mestna knjižnica Ljubljana, oktober, 2011.
Turki prihajajo
Galerija Mikado, Slovenia, Ljubljana, 2009
Photo: Borut Krajnc
Fragments of Happiness in Art
Mestna galerija Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2013
Photo: Borut Sluga
Rasti – kultura
Mikado, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2014
photo: Borut Krajnc
Alle, die Hier Sind, Sind von Hier
Rotor, Graz, Avstrija, 2015.
What They Saw : Exhibition of Photographers for the Dnevnik Daily
Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana, 2018
Photo: Brane Maksimovič
If Slovenia were…
Grad Rajhenburg, Slovenija, 2018.
No End, Director: Jakob Krese Cinematographer: Jakob Krese, Meta Krese
DOK Leipzig 2018
Photo: Sandor Tence
Exhibition of the students of the Higher School of Applied Sciences (VIST) programme Photography
Galerija Mikado, Ljubljana, 2019
Waiting in Vein / Aspettiamo invano
Stories of refugees from Srebrenica / Storie di profughe di Srebrenica
Theatre, Trieste, Italy, 2021 / Teatro Miela, Trieste, Italia, 2021
Waiting in Vein; Stories of refugees from Srebrenica
Gallery Alkatraz, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2023
Have You Come to Stay? Meta Krese
City Art Gallery Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2003
bridges and breaches / brücken und brüche / mostovi in prelomi
Pavelhaus, 2023, Austria
For Your Pleasure
Feminist Positions in Visual Art in and from Slovenia
Museum of Modern Art, Slovenia, 2023/24
We are not machines
Reflection of political systems in photographs of textile workers
Museum of Dolenjska, Novo mesto, Slovenia, 2023/24
foto: Boštjan Pucelj