Meta Krese

Neue Heimaten

Photos: Meta Krese
Text: Maruša Krese
Foreword: Robert Reithofer
CLIO, Graz, Austria, 2011

This is a foreign land, indeed. For them. It is so very different from where their home is. They have never really left Turkey. This is where they created their survival homes, as for instance at »Europastrasse«, their goal is to help their families back home, their goal is for their children to have better lives than they have and their goal is to have big homes back in their homeland. Only few of those I’ve met – I could count them on the fingers of one hand – decided to never go back. And their children? Will they be able to handle this rift that their parents have been experiencing, this discord between a survival home and a real home?

Maruša Krese

© Meta Krese, 2024. Izdelava

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